140 Followers and 47000 visits

Today I had my 140th Follower (welcome Bache) and the number of visits (as opposed to page views) hit 47000 since I started using the counter at the foot of the page. I know the Google blogger stats are different but I like to keep with this one.

My airbrushes arrived today, my compressor arrived. And I finally realised I didn’t have any paint, thinner or cleaner! Order send to Maelstrom Games as I always get good service from them and I’m hoping it will arrive at home on Saturday.

So hopefully I can try this airbrushing lark out at the weekend and post some progress here.

Thanks again to all visitors/followers and hopefully I can keep the interest up for the rest of the year!


4 thoughts on “140 Followers and 47000 visits”

  1. You know you only got those figures because your blog is so bloody good don't you?
    Congrats and thanks for a great blog to follow.


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