As I’m on a bit of a roll I thought I’d do a quick workbench post.
Fences continue. As per the last post the 4Ground fences I have need a little work to make them usable for me. They come in these sizes:They are easy to put together but the small sizes make them a bit fiddly on the table. So… I’ve joined two together, trimmed off the end post at the join, and chamfered the edges to hopefully make them less ‘edgy’…
I will need to apply PVA and sand and am a little concerned they plasticard may warp. May do one to test…
I’ve also been tinkering with some 10mm Sudan. These I got from Slugbalancer in London. I applied a thinned down wash and tonight varnished them. Also painted a couple of officers and prepped the two figures I’m missing to make it up to 5 stands of 6.
Onwards. Lots more to do!