X-Wing again…

Today, Richard (Herkybird) at the Tyneside Club said they would be playing X-Wing again. My lad Zach has been asking to go down the club for a while for a ‘proper’ game. Saturday is a bad day in some ways: football and swimming (him not me!) so we weren’t able to get down until 2.30. … Read more

Fire and Fury in Whitley Bay!

And a second game in one month! This week the Whitley Bay 3D Gamers club were meeting on Wednesday rather than Tuesday. Tuesdays are currently slightly problematic due to my wife’s hectic Pilates schedule! 🙂 but finishing work slightly early and having access to the car makes the odd Wednesday possible. There were four games … Read more

Von Don Corp. Air Support

Many moons ago (2011!!) I decided to re-use some random 1/300 SF models to recreate the Savage Swans (my ImagiNation force which started in the C18th) as the military arm of VonDon Corporation (von Donovan being the family name of the original commander of the Swans) and relocate them to the not too distant future! http://blog.belisarius.org.uk/2011/09/fubar-vondon-corp-complete.html Although … Read more