And a second game in one month! This week the Whitley Bay 3D Gamers club were meeting on Wednesday rather than Tuesday. Tuesdays are currently slightly problematic due to my wife’s hectic Pilates schedule! 🙂 but finishing work slightly early and having access to the car makes the odd Wednesday possible. There were four games being played last night:
A large Bolt Action game:A 15mm AWI rules playtest:
And a WW2 boardgame:
And a large’ish 15mm ACW Fire and Fury game laid on again by Andy Oliver. Three players aside it was basically a meeting engagement with three divisions aside and the various hills being the objectives for victory points. I took a Union division of three decent size brigades and a battery and set up next to the wooded enclosure with the two hill to my front being the targets. Over the far right the troops were in action straightaway with Andy’s division again assailed by two divisions!My troops prepare to advance.
Although my first brigade faltered and forced the supporting brigade to pass through!
To my left, Rod started a rather cautious advance alongside the road…
The Rebels (Lawrence) advanced to the central hill but seemed hesitant.
And on the left their large brigade prepare for the onslaught of Rod’s division!
While Lawrence’s other brigade and guns set to hold the hill!
With a possible threat to my right I held back my brigade and battery and finally advanced on the far hill.
Meanwhile on the far right Andy was having a few problems…
And the other hill the Union had secured prepared to defend it.
With the threat to my right gone as those brigades shifted their target my brigade began a long round of combats with the Rebels facing them.
Finally my central attack drove home as both brigades went in with great enthusiasm!
Sweeping the brigade from the field and crashing into the guns behind!
While my other brigade was pushed back again!
Having driven the guns back as well my brigades took the hill but the supporting brigade became a little confused, refused to re-deploy and after some enfilade fire was hit in the flank by a rapidly moving brigade.And to my left Rod’s division, having ‘secured’ a hill and only fired a few shots from the battery sat and observed…
As my enfiladed brigade was swept away and my forward brigade faced rebels to front and rear!
And that was it really. I had gained a hill and lost it! On the right, Rebels, despite suffering badly still managed to hold ‘their’ hill and in the centre drove the Union off another. It was looking a poor show for the Union… at least where they fought! 🙂
A nice, quickly set up and played game that was good fun. A couple of players hadn’t played before but in most circumstances the rules are pretty straightforward. Thanks again to Andy for organising it.
And in other news… at the weekend I managed another short game of X-Wing with Zach. This time his sister (Hannah) wanted to play (she’s 11). For a change he too two X-Wings with decent pilots and I took a TIE and Interceptor and Hannah two TIEs. The game didn’t last long. We got lucky and managed Hannah’s TIEs hitting on X-Wing and stripping the shields. As I tried to get shots on my target I ended up getting a long range shot at the already damaged ship. Two hits. One a critical causing two damage! Scratch one X-Wing! Luckily tea was ready as Zach was none too pleased!
Good to be playing stuff anyway!
I pity Zach! I often find the much maligned Tie to be a fierce opponent if well handled!
Good to see you still enjoying X-Wing and getting to play other games! – even if its at the midweek 3-D club!