Framlingham 2016 – Day Two

Day Two (Sunday) saw Tims H and W, Peeler and EB dabbling with 54mm SF which looked most enjoyable:

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The rest of us took part in a brilliant early C19th Colonial ImagiNation game put on by Paul Bright. The table looked excellent and Paul must be commended for such a pretty game. His own excellent collection was supplemented by the equally lovely figures of Tim H, Simon and Dave. You could not have wished for a better looking game!

20161016_104756The rules used were Shout Boys Shout which are Paul’s own. They are card activated and nice and simple to use and kept the game ticking along nicely. Although the six of us were broadly organised three a side, each contingent had its own secret little agenda! I’m sure the others will pop in to tell their own stories but mine was to be yet another tale of Woes and Ones! My three units of ‘native’ troops were supplemented by some regular light infantry.


Moving round and through the difficult terrain made it difficult to coordinate the attacks against Simon’s regulars and the first unit did not do well.


With their charge to contact stalled due to the cards and the regulars getting a couple of activations on the trot, things did not end well!

The next units again struggled to get forward without being picked off at distance but did at least make contact before dying!


I was finally able to get two more units engaged but the dice did not go well and despite a longer than expected battle, they too died!

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My light troops took a little longer to get in to action but finally got to attack troops in one of the huts.

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Despite finally help wipe out the occupants they were then unable to get into the hut before Simon’s troops re-occupied it and were finally beaten back and forced to rout… Having lost my native units already this left me with no troops on the table! I did roll a LOT of ones though…

Meanwhile, Alex suffered greatly from Gary’s natives who kept popping up out of the jungle and wreaking havoc! He was eventually to join me with no troops left on the table!

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Dave had plenty to contend with with Paul’s chaps attacking. Even though wiping out the cavalry he spent many turns battling with the natives.

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He also had to deal with the backstabbing from Simon as he tried to escort a prisoner which Simon was tasked with freeing. This resulted in the escort being attacked and surrounded by three units. They fought valiantly for a good number of turns before finally surrendering.

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With the perimeter secured, the prisoner taken and very little enemy left Simon was just left to escort his chap off table to secure victory!


Gary was also to claim a victory by having wiped out ALL the redcoats! The less said about  the result for me, Alex and Dave the better…

The whole game was great fun and looked bloody brilliant!

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Thanks again to Paul. A great game. Lots more pics in the Fram 2016 Day 2 gallery.

And a great weekend. Tim H did us proud again. The usual good LAW gathering!

I MAY have picked up some assorted ACW related lead but more on that in another post!


1 thought on “Framlingham 2016 – Day Two”

  1. I wish I’d taken more notice of the colonial game because it really looked dazzling……people will talk of it years from now. You died again, didn’t you?

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