Work continues towards next week’s ACW game. I’m pretty well on top of things but as ever I keep finding other things to do. First off I realised I needed some more limbers for the Union forces. Luckily I had three Minifigs (3rd rather then 2nd Gen) sat waiting so have just finished off those.
I might need to do a couple of CSA ones but possibly not essential.
I’m also still working in scenery. First off some resin walls. These are from Small Terrain Miniature Scenery. A few test pieces. They look a little shiny as I’d just slapped on a coat of varnish. Still need to add some static grass.Also have another batch of the MDF fences ready to go onto bases.
I may be short a few command stands so prepped a big batch of them. Don’t think I’ll need them all which is good!And although I have a couple of buildings to drop down I had one more (Timecast I think) in the box so have made a start on that. Basic coats and washes on. Just need to drybrush and detail. Undecided on whether to base them and pretty up the bases. May be too much work…
Going to spend tomorrow night listing the last few things to do. I have THursday and FRiday off so hopefully can get anything done by then…