I’ve moved house. NEVER again! 🙂
I had to stop painting and my regular updates at the start of May ready for the move on the 14th. And it has taken until now to start painting again… The old mojo just went walkies. So much stuff to unpack and a smaller space to fit it all in, and the unpacking is still ongoing. But the space is getting there and I do at least still have a 4×4 table.
And I just couldn’t be bothered… I kept setting myself little deadlines to start again: 14th June – one month after the move; 1st July – start of month and second half of year. But each passed. In the end I managed to apply primer and paint to some Crusader 28mm Norman cavalry casualties. Hopefully simple to paint and give me chance to get my eye in again…

For my birthday in May I got a Redgrass Wet Palette and I LIKE it. Just seems to work better than my homemade one. And I’ve signed up to their Kickstarter for one of the new large ones.
And as often happens when the mojo is lacking and I’m not happy about it, I buy a few things to cheer me up! So I either have, or have coming:
Geek Villain Muddy Plains mat
DVG Games Hornet Leader and Expansion
Vallejo Metal Color paints x 4
Vallejo Water Effects Still Water
Vallejo Thick Mud
Assorted CP Models 15mm SF…
And a bike. Don’t ask…
Which is exactly what you want to be doing when you have less space than you used to!
I’ve also got A Plan. It’s a vague one and will likely fail but each month will have a focus. This may be determined by an upcoming game the following month but I want to try and blitz and finish off a few things and get rid of the surplus. I’m sure I’ve tried this before but we’ll see.
This is the plan:
July – free for all. Finish all those little bits on the workbench to clear the decks. I have Normans, Senegalese, 15mm Romans, 28mm ImagiNation. Keep it varied to help the enthusiasm…
August – I will likely be away for a couple of weeks. So just ImagiNation stuff for the game planned in September. Unit of cavalry maybe… more guns…
September – 15mm ACW… I have a LOT of unpainted stuff. Need to finish what I want and dispose of the rest.
October – terrain. 6mm and 15mm. I have STUPID amounts of 6mm 20th unpainted resin. I have some pre-cut plywood bases (same size Timecast use). I’m going to plan out what I want and get rid of the rest.
November – 42mm Shiny… Maybe something else… Long delayed Ayton at end of month.
December – 15mm Ancients… another blitz on those… when I find them…
All a little ambitious and unrealistic but we can but try.
And living on the coast has it’s benefits including a daily paddle.

And just to make life easier, we’ve added another dog to the household. Nellie. Romanian rescue:

Alfie is not impressed…

So there we have it. If only work will calm down a bit and the Government stop trying to kill us I may actually get back into regular painting again….
Cracking looking new dog 🙂 Always good to remember that we do painting/gaming as a hobby so there’s no reason to feel any guilt through losing your mojo, it’s just how it is sometimes!
She’s a bundle of trouble! But getting there!
I know it’s a hobby and there should be no stress over it but I use it to help me deal with stress elsewhere and when I can’t even be bothered to paint then it’s not a good sign…
Bike!! What sort and wheres the bike porn pics
You lucky, lucky…………etc. Living by the sea! What a lucky…………..etc.
I have no sympathy for you……but good luck with the plan anyway.
It’s OUR plan…
You are so screwed re: the bike plan!
The rest of the plan sounds good and there’s lots of interesting stuff to work on by the sound of it. Looking forward to seeing the mojo return.
Oh yes.
Good luck with the new place, biking and painting!
Cheers. I’ll settle for 2 out of 3 on that list!
It may be less space, but that window is going to give you gorgeous light for painting.
A new bike, a new puppy, and that coastal view…..Life is Good. Moving is a bear, and my last one was a nightmare, but it looks like you hit a home run with this one.
Now, regain the mojo, and get to painting!
Getting there…
If you didn’t waste space with guitars and bikes, you’d have more room for the important stuff. Just sayin’.
Good point!