Back in May I moved house. It took me a while to get painting again. Mojo went walkabout and I wanted to be in the right frame of mind to do daily updates and not let them slip as I feared one missed session would just spiral as the mojo departed again. As mentioned in the last post I decided a few Dark Age figures would be a good start. Quite quick and simple to paint so an easy win to keep the enthusiasm going. Then it got a bit out of hand…
Figures are a mix of Crusader, Gripping Beast, Footsore, Newline, Unknown, and a single Caballero resin print (guy pointing in last pic). All goes to show how well ranges fit together.
I’ve been looking at what Dark Age stuff I have left and I think with a bit of a push I could finish ALL of it in a month!! Unless I buy more… We’ll see…
So overall, quite pleased with that lot! It did rather scupper the monthly plan I made but it has got me painting again and that is the main thing. Next we return to the 18th century…
Splendid brushwork, Andy. The shields in particular are very impressive