Recent Books, Impetus and update.

Just picked up the following as I delve yet again into the Punic Wars:

Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War, Gregory Daly
Lost Battles: Reconstructing the Great Clashes of the Ancient World, Philip A.G. Sabin
Hannibal’s Last Battle: Zama and the Fall of Carthage, Brian Todd Carey

The Cannae and Zama books are really just knowledge boosters as I read up on the subject again. Still just finishing Goldsworthy’s Fall of Carthage and just starting Durham’s novel, Hannibal – Pride of Carthage. Both good in their own way. The Daly book above looks to have some interesting chapters so that will no doubt be next on the list. The Sabin I bought on an impulse. Saw some interesting comments on it on TMP and although I’m unlikely to use the rules for my own games I wanted to read his analysis and justifications for them.

And finally, my copy of Impetus arrived today. Although a tad pricey it is a vey nicely produced set on good quality paper with excellent photos. I’ve had a quick look through and the tone and spirit of the rules really appeal. Looking forward to trying them.

I’ve been really taken with some of the diorama type bases for the game, especially in 6mm, and am tempted to do a couple of armies for them. I’d thought of maybe doing my Early Byzantines in 6mm but I’m pretty certain they will be 15mm Khurasan. Also considered doing Punic as well as I have some ideas for laying out the Roman bases. But I’m not sure I want to deviate from my 15mm Punic Wars armies as I’m slowly bringing them to completion. Medieval puts me off as I can’t face the shields! Only thing that does appeal is maybe Late Roman and Sassanid Persian, maybe inspired by the Harry Sidebottom books I’ve just read. The decider will probably be made at Derby as Baccus will be there and I’ll no doubt crack!

Been doing a little more on the terrain pieces and should have them done tomorrow. The Purbeck terrain blocks I have I’ve tried sprucing up a bit by sponging patches of brown and highlight to match the bases over them to break up the green. I had thought of PVA, ballast and then the painting but the sponging seems to look OK and is quicker. Also, only need to do one side so if it looks crap can still use them!

Bye for now…