Wargaming Neutral January 2011 Summary

Well, it’s been a good month! I’ve been cracking on with a few Punic War 15mm, quite a bit of re-basing and an AAR so the credits aren’t too bad at 53.50. The funds balance is better (£150) as I’ve managed to shift a few books and all my old medieval figures (off in the post in a day or so). I now have a good pot for York next Sunday. I don’t have a lot in the way of figures to buy. I will be picking up a few RSM as soon as I get a price.

Main things I’m after at York are MDF to make roads, and a few books. I will try not to buy much else! I’ll be taking a sub to the Classic Wargaming Journal soon and there is some ASL stuff coming out I want to get as well. Figure-wise, I’ve got 11 more Gauls done and the last two units waiting to be based. Then I hope to start on the 28mm RSMs.

Overall I’m quite pleased. I feel like I’ve achieved stuff, sold stuff and most importantly, avoided buying ANYTHING on eBay!

We shall see how February goes!…