Border Reiver 2011

And so the first Saturday in September comes around and we have Border Reiver again at the Newcastle Metro Arena. I usually make it down for doors opening but a lie in and a last minute decision to finally accept that the Cold War is over and reduce my lead stockpiles meant I I was throwing packs of figures into bags to deposit in the Bring and Buy. So I didn’t get there until 10:45. Anyway, let’s look at this from four viewpoints: the show itself, the games, the social side and purchases.

The Show: seems to have a reputation for poor lighting and a certain gloom. I didn’t notice any particular change in the setup this year but the light seemed better and to be honest I wasn’t really aware it. According to Rob the numbers through the door were up on last year which is a very good thing. All the traders I was interested in were there but it did seem a few less than last year. Hopefully the improved attendance equated to improved takings for all there. The Bring and Buy seemed quite brisk and I shifted most of what I out on (all unpainted lead) so I was happy. However one chap cashing up at the end seemed to have one or two items ‘missing’ which is not good. The staff on the stall were pretty efficient so I’m sure it wasn’t an accounting error. Not what you want at any show…

The Games: again, there seemed to be slightly fewer this year. As I’d been busy talking I hadn’t taken any pictures and only zipped round at the end for these. So here’s a quick summary.

A rather nice 15mm SF game using Critical Mass figures put on by the Wigan Wargames Club. I was tempted by the terrain mat for my desert games but at £75 it can wait! Looked good though.

A small demo/participation game using Infinity rules from Beasts of War? Was a little remiss in getting details and as it was near clearing up time it was not shown at its best!

Next to that was an excellent Star Wars game by the Phoenix Wargames Club from Glasgow.


Tyneside Wargames Club mounted (so to speak) Mount Badon using Great Captain rules. Always good to see the massed 15mm on the table and looking very effective.


Shot and Shell Wargams Club were running a Hammers Slammers games but using models from Under the Bed SF range (although soon to be changing hands). The game and models looked quite effective.


There was also a rather nice Hail Caesar 28mm game.


A 10mm Horse and Musket game (WSS?) using Black Powder rules.


And an excellent looking Flames of War 15mm Desert Game. I wish I had taken the pics when they had their lighting on as it did look very good.


And finally it was good to see the boardgames out from the Newcastle Boardgames Club. I saw a few games of Combat Commander under way but it’s just not ASL! 😉

Overall there were some nice games and those running them were happy to chat which is always a good thing.

Social Side: met and chatted with lots of people. Chaps from the North Tyneside club, regulars from the Tyneside Club, Phil (Norman D Landings), Neil, my used to be regular ASL opponent and a good few others. It was good to finally also meet Andy H who as been a generous chap to me on a number of occasions over the last year despite our never having met until today!

Purchases: I was very restrained! Mainly because as school starts next week and both kids need shoes and uniforms I was broke! I sold £35 on the Bring and Buy, spend £10 on paint etc. with Caliver and bought a few odds of microarmour on the Bring and Buy (only about £5 worth). The surplus funds are currently with my wife at the shop so we can eat tonight! 🙂

All in all a good little show again. I do like the local shows (mainly because I spend less!) and this is one of my favourites.

One of the chaps from the Northumbrian Adventurers Guild was talking about a planned new website focusing on North East Wargaming and trying to pull together the local clubs and information on gaming in the area in one place. His thoughts being that there is activity in the North East but not as much interaction betweer clubs as in other parts of the country. And that pooling this information and resources will help that and help promote the clubs and attract new members. A good idea and I’ll try and post more when it happens.

Next up is Derby… I do have stuff I want to buy there… 🙂


10 thoughts on “Border Reiver 2011”

  1. Yes Andy! – it did seem lighter this year. For once I spent all my dosh on things I planned to get – and £50 of trees, oh, and those log cabins. Ok, I spent like a madman as usual! – Good show again though! – it was good to meet everyone after the August hiatus!

  2. Looks like a good show,and nice to see some 10mm gaming going on 🙂 Thanks for posting its good to read about shows that are a little too far away to get to for just a days wargamings tooting.


  3. I was at Newark the following day and I think attendance was probably down (long time since I have been) a good number of traders but not the ones I really wanted to see. Bought Polemos Nap rules for the 1/300th scale and when I got home painted three regiments of Grenadiers (96 figs) so mush have been enthused.

    Which day are you at Derby (please say Saturday!!)


  4. Hi Andy

    I'll be down Derby on the Saturday in the Impetus Tournament so drop by to say hi if you get a chance.


  5. Will do! I've got so many people I'm supposed to be meeting up with I may find it hard to fit in time to shop! 🙂

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