On the Workbench

I haven’t really done a Workbench post for a while, mainly because nothing was getting done! I have at last managed a couple of short sessions to move some things along. The six Adler generals for my ImagiNation units got varnished last night and now await basing:


IMAG3234I still have the flags to do for the three units but can at least move the basing along.

As I now have my 666 Plan (full details coming soon, honest!) it seemed to make sense to do something completely different! When I bought a load of GHQ WW2 microarmour at the end of last year for my Western Desert plans there were also some T34-85s available so I thought I’d grab them to add to my Syrians. There should have been enough for two battalions but a few were missing barrels so I’ll either need to try and replace or just buy a pack to complete the second unit. Anyway, undercoated and basecoated. Next up drybrush, camo,  tracks, wash, drybrush and detail. And base…

IMAG3236Back to the ImagiNation stuff. I have started my first Altefritzenburg unit. Still a way to go…


But this gives an idea of where they are heading:



And finally, I took delivery of some Timecast goodness via the CWC forums. The start of my Cold War urban bases:

IMAG3239 IMAG3240Done to Timecast’s usual high standard, I only need to paint all my stuff to match now!

Hopefully I can get a little more done tonight or at the weekend.




2 thoughts on “On the Workbench”

  1. Those buildings tiles look excellent. Hope you get some more done tonight. I’ve had a really bad day today. Can’t do much this evening either but a full day at my desk tomorrow


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