C19th Swans complete…

Well, after a bit of an effort over the last week I’ve finally finished the C19th incarnation of my Savage Swans. I’ve still got the mascot to do but that requires a little green stuff work so is still on the workbench:

IMAG3451 IMAG3452 IMAG3453 IMAG3454The standard is a single flag rather than the two I use in the C18th version and merges the two with the symbols of the Kindgom of K’ha’Ramel in the upper quadrant to honour their service in the great Byzarbian Campaign.

Currently working on the artillery crews…

IMAG3457Lots still to do….


1 thought on “C19th Swans complete…”

  1. A very nice unit Andy, look forward to seeing them at Ayton. This time around I’ve glued my artillerymen to the base rather than use figure removal.

    I’ve getting a bit stressed completing my contingent. I’ve got two units that have just been blacked primed, I took advantage of yesterdays sunshine.

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