On the workbench…

I haven’t done an ‘in progress’ type post for a while so while still feeling enthused after the excellent Battleground Show I thought now was the time. A slightly new project. Sudan. Well, it’s not really new. I bought a load of 10mm Sudan off Nik Harwood a couple of years ago, never used them and sold them to a mate at work, who I am now buying them back off! But seeing as I was at the show I bought an 1882 British Army pack and today I have been looking at bases and stuff and communicating with my partner in crime on this project, Essex Boy!

First up was base size. Four figures to a base at 10mm seems a little small and fiddly so we are going for six for the ‘regular’ troops. The options being 30x30mm, 25x25mm and 40x20mm:

2014-12-02 17.52.20

After consultation with EB we decided that both the left and right options were too spaced out, we wanted two ranks and the 25x25mm seemed about right. I had some spare Fire and Fury bases (1″ x7/8″) which seemed to work better so tried the options with a few figures:

2014-12-02 18.33.22Iain (EB) isn’t keen on firing poses but I think they are right for the period. I may go for units all firing or all advancing. I wonder if Pendraken do a kneeling figure? Possibly in the Boer War range?

So having settled on 6 to a base I fancied trying some figures. I’ve never actually painted any 10mm before despite having owned and sold on quite a few so it was nice to finally paint some. Light grey primer, thin black wash (may use brown for the khaki/redcoat ones) and then I tried a few in the grey of the early campaign:

2014-12-03 00.07.17 2014-12-03 00.07.06I think they’ve come out OK…

While waiting for stages of these to dry I did a little more on the extra command stands for the AMG 2015 game:

2014-12-03 00.08.25And in the background you can see the first six of the Les Higgins 20mm Altefritzenburg unit:

2014-12-03 00.08.54So… a little progress. I think I will try a few more posts like this.


3 thoughts on “On the workbench…”

  1. They look good Andy. My Egyptians haven’t arrived yet otherwise I’d have had them done by now of course.

    How about we swap my firing figures for your marching figures? That way you’ll have some Egyptians and I’ll have some British (and you’ll be stuck with a load of nasty shooting figures).


  2. You needed a new project, well done mate! Looking good so far, you can enjoy re-basing them when Iain changes his mind about sizes in a few months time.. 🙂
    Command figures look good too.

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