First Game of Field of Glory

18th July 2009 Well, finally played our first game today. Despite having taken down Mid-Republican Roman and Carthaginians my opponent, Lawrence, had just bought a rather lovely Seleucid army on eBay which had arrived this morning so we decided to christen it! So, Later Seleucid v. Mid-Rep Roman it was. We just went for the … Read more

First British Grenadier Game

Saturday 28th February 2009 finally saw my first game with British Grenadier and the first proper outing for my American and British AWI armies. I took my camera along to record the event but the photos are more of a record rather than eye candy. As this was out first game, the other guys (Ian … Read more

RPT2 Kerepesi Cemetery

Played this on Wednesday against my regular opponent Neil Brunger, our first game after a few months break. We were both a bit rusty on the rules but it’s a relatively straightforward one so few problems were encountered. The Hungarians setup well back but with a small force in J5 to keep me straight. MMG … Read more