In the beginning

Well, many years ago three guys in Newcastle started painting figures for the American Revolution in 15mm. G, being a 23rd Royal Welch reenactor was going to do the British, I chose the Americans and T did a bit of everything, including some 1812 British!

We decided to concentrate on the Southern Campaign and specifically the Battle of Cowpens. Changes of job, arrivals of families, moving away etc. all impinged on the success of this project. Recently I’ve decided to resurrect it myself despite having a new family and less and less time. But painting I always found relaxing and boy do I need that now!

So having been inspired by several other AWI relayed blogs (links to follow) I’ve decided to chronicle the attempt here.

What will follow will be info/links on Cowpens, pictures of figures, my references, the rules we used and anything else related to it.

Hopefully you’ll find it interesting.

Back soon.
