Well, seeing as it’s getting late I thought I’d just pull out what unpainted figures I have and see what was there and how much I needed to/could paint.
Here’s the table:

The three plastic boxes contain a load of Polly Oliver 15mm figures. They’re a mixed bunch as I bought up the stock from a local supplier but there is a lot of useful stuff there. The mass of bags in the front are Freikorps, Essex, more Polly Oliver, Old Glory and a few of the rather oversized Lancashire Games figures which I’ll not be using for that reason. There are odds and ends of camp followers, ordnance, casualties, fences, defences. God, will I live long enough to paint these!
I tried taking pictures with my phone but they didn’t come out too well. Hopefully this one is better.
Here’s a sample:

Command Element. 1st New York Continentals. (yes, I know they weren’t at Cowpens but I wanted to paint some!)
More to follow…
congratulations on snagging the polly oliver miniatures, very nice minis and I believe out of print now. Good luck with your Blob