An Iberian Diversion…

As mentioned in the update below, Ian Logan at the Tyneside Club offered me his 15mm Ancient Spanish. Originally a very generous offer of ‘just take them’ we finally agreed a small cash/lead trade and I acquired the following box… Bar a few odds and ends (generals and some more cavalry) and combined with the … Read more

A little bit of rough…

Last month I played around with using trees mounted on coins that slot in recesses on MDF textured bases, ending up with this… Now to make it as flexible as possible I did a few coins with brush/stones on so I can use the same base for rough ground, so… This also lets me use … Read more

What’s been happening…

Spent last week on holiday. Newcastle to Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury to Truro, Truro to Portsmouth, Portsmouth to Newcastle. Two kids, late nights, bad neck and back. So much for a rest… 🙂 Anyway, sole gaming related activity was a visit to Southsea Models. Shop was quiet, a bit cluttered and the owners son was running it … Read more