As I haven’t got enough projects on the (what I laughably like to call) go at the moment I thought I would add one more! My Syrians are on hold until I can grab some GHQ/CinC stuff (maybe at Derby) and I still have a lot of Russians to finish off but I’ve been following with interest Michael at Angel Barracks and his foray into 6mm SF skirmish. He’s using the FUBAR one page rules (available here) and has even set up a forum to chronicle the project and entice others to start similar (which a few have).
So it was inevitable I would succumb!
I’ve had a few Ground Zero Games Dirtside models for a while that I picked up at Gateshead Gaming. I’d originally thought I’d use them for Future War Commander but I can’t really face doing full armies. I could try FWC skirmish (and may at some point) but FUBAR look interesting (and maybe even Tomorrow’s War when it arrives) and it keeps the project to a manageable scale. I’d also picked up some Adler SF at Derby last year and the figures are really nice. Not sure how they will scale with other ranges yet that I might try.
Anyway, here is the start:
VonDon Corp. – Security Arm
The security arm of VonDon Corp. have a long and valiant history stretching back to the 18th Century where as Von Donovan’s Legion, the ‘Savage Swans’ theY fought throughout the Colonies and Old Europe and set the foundation of the commercial empire that was to become VonDon Corporation.
Now, as the Security Arm of the Corporation they protect investments and workers on far off planets and help secure the future both of VonDon Corp. and EarthGov. Fully equipped with the latest weapons technology they have begun their next mission to bring stability to the sand planet Sikarra. Resource rich and home to the latest experiments in terraforming, Sikarra has been facing terrorist attacks, believed to be from hard line elements of the original colonists who do not want to see the planet terraformed and stripped of resources.
Finding the enemy in the vast desert wastes will not be easy and the first patrols are being prepared:
The MBT and advanced Scout Walker with command APC in the background:
Red Section with APC and Walker:
Four of the five man team move out, Sergeant Lamm pointing the way:
I wanted to keep the same rough colour scheme I used for my C18th chaps so have stuck with green and buff. The section have a red mark on one side of the helmet to match the red mark on the APC. Higher ranking officers etc. may be shown by differing helmet colours. Not sure yet as early days. I’ve got about another 15-20 vehicles and assorted figures so that will do me for the Swans. I then need to put together some opposition for them.
I went for a desert type theme for this as I need to put together some scenery for my Arab Israeli War stuff and I figure I could re-use a lot of this! I’ve got assorted SF buildings as well which I can use. I do like the Adler models as well and although the vehicles are BIG I think they may work for use in desert.
I also tried a slightly different painting approach. Rather then black undercoat I went for white, base colours, then sepia wash, and a light sand drybrush.
Anyway, more to come as and when…
NB. First pic not 6mm