And now the end is near….

I’ve had a bit of a push on the re-basing. Partly to try and get it finished and partly because at the gaming weekend in Fram next week I’ll be picking up a load of unpainted lead to add to the project! So basically now I’ve finished the main bulk of the troops. The latest being these chaps:

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I still have limbers to do for those guns.

This leaves the Union army looking something like this:


I may need to do a few more command stands to allow for smaller units. There are all generic units (although one lot are clearly Iron Brigade) and I’ll be adding ‘real’ units as I paint extras.

The only outstanding are the Zouaves. There are two small units of these which MAY do for most games but for the turban chaps I may try and paint three spare figures to give me 8 stands. The kepi chaps are a smaller unit still.


I do however have a load of similar figures lined up to strip. I’m not sure whether to strip the lot and paint them all again or just strip and paint the new lot and mix them all in. It will depend on the turban chaps I paint and if the colours are a close enough match.


I’ve also started basing up the markers. The ones I have seem to be Freikorps but they will be fine for markers. I’m short on 20mm bases until next week to still have 4 to do. Need to think on whether 20 low ammo markers is enough for most games?


And also how many disruption markers I need. I only have the following so far but have more Peter Pig casualty figures coming.


I went for ovals for these as they don’t fit well on the 20mm rounds and  have a load of the oval bases from an aborted 28mm basing idea!

So there we are. Almost there….

3 thoughts on “And now the end is near….”

  1. This looking really cool, Andy. I can see what you mean about the blue, it is very nice and it does need a very matt, err, matt.

    I’m enjoying this challenge.

  2. Well done for keeping up the momentum Andy. Of course, the inevitable next event is that some geezer down the pub offers you cash for them and you flog them. Again. 🙂

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