After a nice lie in, breakfast, and nice smelly thing presents and chocolate I managed to grab a little Father’s Day me time in the attic. I’d thought to do some painting but the place is a mess so a tidy up was required first. The painting area in the desk was cleared and cleaned, paints put away, and the desk protector I’ve had for months finally put down…So… looking much tidier… Only issue is the mouse doesn’t like the plastic mat hence the piece of paper. I could really do with another Vallejo type paint rack and I have another drawer full of paints…
Now, to clear the desk I had to move off all the part prepped/painted odds and ends. All of these I piled on the now rather cluttered ‘gaming’ table…As you can see, no gaming on there for a while… But it did enable me to sort all the bits I have in the queue…
So, left side starting at the back:
- 28mm Spencer Smith FPW French Marines and Mitrailleuse and crew
- 20mm Les Higgins WSS
- 28mm RSM primed…
- 10mm 1806 Project…
Centre starting at back:
- Crann Tara Savoia cavalry
- 10mm Sudan British
- 15mm Macedonian pikemen
Right side, starting at back:
- 28mm Crann Tara Savoia infantry
- 28mm RSM (painted!)
- 15mm Minifigs ACW odds and ends…
Now the current plan is to do the 1806 first. You may notice that the unit I had based is now off their bases! More of which in a day or so…
The C18th 28mm stuff should really be started as needed for Ayton next May but the 20mm WSS may be needed before if Essex Boy arranges an early 2018 game in his new shed!
The rest is on hold…
The other success of the day (apart from cleaning the attic windows) was zapping my big PC and installing a new version of Linux (MINT). The version of Ubuntu I had on was ‘broken’ and hadn’t been properly updated for a couple of years. So installing a current version was getting to be a priority. I usually install and keep my home directory but this time I jiggled the partitions round and created a new home and saved the old one. Before my ‘me’ time ran out I managed to restore my Thunderbird profile and get the Citrix Receiver working so I can log into work on Wednesday. Lots of stuff to reinstall now but it will be good to have a current setup…
And the day was rounded off nicely with beer and home made pizza at the Pickthall’s. Always a pleasure…
Tired now…
My advice? Put all the started stuff away and forget it. Just do one project at a time, which should be the next thing you’re actually going to play. Take my advice…….I’m not using it.
As for your computer. WTF are you talking about?