A Warm Fuzzy (Wuzzy) Feeling…

I’m still painting random stuff from my lead pile. With no fixed plan other than Ayton next year (and tradition precludes painting anything for that until at least February!) I’ve been painting what takes my fancy. So having painted some Sudan Brits I thought I needed some opposition. I spent a little time Googling for painting ideas for Fuzzy Wuzzies (Beja) and found this excellent blog post Painting Your Horde which I’ve only just spotted is by Dave Docherty on his One Man and his Brushes blog. It’s a good process for painting up lots of native types quite quickly so I thought I’d adapt it to 10mm! All colours are Vallejo Model Colour unless specified otherwise.

Step 1. Primer. Army Painter. Leather Brown Spray. Missed bits filled in with Flat Earth.Step 2. Hair and spears/swords painted black.Step 3. Paint all the robes a variety of suitable colours. I went for Ivory, Pale Sand, White, Dark Sand and German Camo Pale Brown. And spear shafts Mahogany Brown.Step 4. Wash. Vallejo Sepia Wash thinned with W&N Flow Improver.Step 5. Re-highlight cloth with same colour. Dry brush a few shields with Flat Earth and Khaki for a bit of variety. Dark Grey highlight on hair. Oily steel for metal bits. And Crafters Acrylic Country Maple for the bases.Step 6. Basing. I’m sticking with tablet MDF. The Brits are on 25x20mm but I thought that would be too small for the (hopefully!) lots of native bases I will have so I thought 50x25mm would be better for the bulk of them and then a few 25x25mm for command stands and odd bases.And I’ve tried to create the impression of a tight front rank and then thinning a little towards the back.And finally fine ballast added and painted with the Country Maple, highlighted with Antique White and some static Burnt Grass applied. A couple of rocks were added and a few tufts but not much as I don’t want to make it too grassy!So there we have it. The first batch of Fuzzies! There seemed a lot when I was painting them but when based they don’t looks as many! Here they are on the terrain boards I have and facing some of the Brits I’m quite pleased with them and will adapt Dave’s technique for the Madhists as well. This should give me enough to try out The Men Who Would Be Kings.

I’ve got the next lot of 1806 Prussians primed and ready to go and have started on the RSM Altefritzenburgers. Just need to keep the momentum going!


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