A Modern Dilemma…

Well, not a dilemma as such, more a bit of a shock as I delved into the 1/300th lead pile…

The last week or so has seen lots of posts about the big Cold War Commander game in Grimsby. Andy M’s blog gives a good overview. I knew I had lots of unfinished stuff foir my Moderns in the attic and as I’ve been struggling on painting ANYTHING I thought I’d throw together some microarmour as it is usually quite quick to do. I have a couple of Scotia Lebeds so quite fancied doing some Soviet Naval Infantry. For this I’ll need some BTR60s and some T-55s. I’ve got some of the Skytrex T-55s but to be honest they are a bit basic. The chaps over the Cold War Commander forum pointed me some the recent T55 variants that Heroics and Ros have released. And very nice they are too! So I dug out the assorted boxes to see what I had…

First off is the half finished Brits from about two years ago:

I had just been tidying these up and basing them but the remaining ones seems to be from too many batches with different paint jobs so I may be tempted to strip and re-paint them. Sometime…

I also have the other remains of Belgian stuff and other odd NATO things…

But the bulk of everything is the WarPac stuff. Most of this came from SlugBalancer and there is more there than I remembered!

The bulk is standard Soviet stuff. Some more T-80s (I think) and lots of BMP-1s.

There are also a lot of OT types. I may not use these. There is also a chunk of BMP3s and similar which may be too ‘modern’ for what I am working on so I may pass them on as well. Lots and lots of support/engineering vehicles (a lot of which I still need to ID!) and a lot of river crossing kit that I am missing from my current Soviet forces.

I’d like to use the bulk of this for some East German or Polish units. I painted/based a lot of T-72s and T-62s ages ago and may move them to their proper WarPac place! I’d also like to paint them in a different green to the Soviets but not sure on what colour (Vallejo) to use?

And finally, in amongst all the bags of unpainted lead I found some of the recent H&R T-55AM2Bs so have a start for a Naval force!

And I might need some more MDF bases… 🙂