WIP – Savage Swans: the Return…

Well today I took a flexi day. Had wanted a day off since the Christmas/New Year ‘break’ after which I was totally knackered! There was meant to be a big system upgrade at work this weekend so I’d decided that this and next week were out. However, it’s just been put back ’til 18th Feb so I thought I’d grab it now. It’s dropped my flexi to about -16 hours but I should be able to pull it back over the next few week… 🙂

So, what was the plan for the day? After dropping kids at school I spent a bit of time tidying up the attic. It still doesn’t look like it but a lot of stuff is now in drawers and I have some space on my desk/painting table. May will see the next Ayton game for which I have great plans (see the Painting Master Plan to the right). I’d hoped to start before Christmas to try and avoid the rush to finish in May but there was too much on and I only managed to spray undercoat a good batch of figures. So today I thought I’d at least make a start.

First up are two small batches to add to what I already have. We have the next contingent of ‘Native’ warriors from the Colonies, under the command of JaegerMeister Hans Gretal of the Altefritzenburg Jaeger Korp. After their outstanding performance in last years game I have high hopes for this larger force. Along side them are the second squadron of the Legion Uhlans. The initial squadron was just not meaty enough to deal with Old School size units so I’m doubling it to 12 figures and will include an office and standard bearer.


All figures are RSM. I’m hoping to get these done by the weekend and then start on the first of the Ottomans. I want at least one unit done, then will start the artillery for the Legion, then return to the Ottoman cavalry.

I’m not sure yet if the painting is up to the last lot. I’d painted a good few 28mm before I got to the Uhlans so my ‘eye’ was in. These are the first 28mm I’ve painted since last May so we’ll just have to see.

And most worryingly, the mystery Ral Partha green paint is getting close to unusable so I’ll need to prioritise units that will use it.

Anyway, nice to be back painting.

4 thoughts on “WIP – Savage Swans: the Return…”

  1. Yes painting 28's is a different ball game. Just painted 4 German Artizan WWII infantry, went fast but nothing like 15mmAlso glad to see you paintingIan

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