WIP – 6mm ImagiNation – test figures

Following on from the completion of the first of my 6mm ImagiNation troops I’ve been looking at what to do next. As I’ve tried in the past, my main aim is to paint the bulk myself but get a few units of ‘opposition’ painted for me. Although I have yet to work up the background I envisage the SYW themed opposition for my Altefritzenburg troops would be ‘French’ based and enable me to use the Baccus SYW French with no turnbacks etc. to keep painting simple and faster!

I’ve just done a test strip to see what they’ll look like. Although my Swans have no hat lace I think these need it to add a little contrast to the figures. Possibly yellow would be better…

Sorry for slightly blurry image but I couldn’t get my phone to focus properly I think these will look of. Drummers will be in reverse colours and with a sashes etc. on the officers they should look OK I was concerned that with only the cuffs showing a different colour there would not be enough difference in the units? Suppose I could always do the breeches and gaiters in a brighter colour as well?

I sense another test strip coming on…

…and here it is!

Side by side by side shot. The new chaps were done with a white undercoat and to be honest once the black wash was applied it didn’t make a lot of difference.

I think the red leggings and yellow hat lace does more to brighten up the figures.


1 thought on “WIP – 6mm ImagiNation – test figures”

  1. Agree, the hat lace makes all the difference! Look forward to seeing these en-masse.

    Anyway good luck with the new project o easily distracted one!

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