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Just took delivery of: McGuire, Thomas J. (2007). The Philadelphia Campaign: Vol. 1. Brandywine and the Fall of Philadelphia. Stackpole Books. McGuire, Thomas J. (2007). The Philadelphia Campaign: Vol. 2. Germantown and the Roads to Valley Forge. Stackpole Books. Wilson, David K. (2008).The Southern Strategy: Britain’s Conquest of South Carolina and Georgia, 1775-1780. University of … Read more


There are many basing conventions based on rules used and personal preference. Do the rules work with elements or with individual figures as well? Standard frontages? Is the size of the frontages important and dependent on figure ratio and ground scale used? I remember reading Bruce Quarrie’s guide to Napoleonic wargaming and the calculations used … Read more

The British are coming!

Seems I have far fewer British troops than I thought. The other two guys had done the Royal Welch, some Hessians, Indians and Tarleton’s Dragoons which made up a respectable force for the few games we had. My contribution was: British Legion InfantryBritish Light InfantryJaegerscontingent of 71st HighlandersTarleton himself and a British Major for him … Read more

A First Attempt at Photos

I’m not a photographer and this is just to get something going but here is my current American Order of Battle: This is what I’ve got painted so far: First Line, left to right: Lee’s Legion Foot, Regular Light Infantry, Riflemen Second Line, behind the fence: Militia Third Line, Continentals: New York, Virginia, Maryland Cavalry: … Read more