Workbench update

Trying to post a few of these little updates to keep the momentum going. I’ve primed the 28mm cavalry I have lined up but this evening managed to fit the flags to the last two Irish regiments for my 6mm C18th project… I’ve got enough for a small game now so all I need to … Read more

Workbench Update

I shall try and post some more regular workbench updates. Hopefully showing progress on various well planned projects but more likely just random shit I felt like painting… As per last post I’ve been adding to my 6mm SYW. These are the last of the painted red coated troops I got from Paul B and … Read more

What’s been happening…or not…

I started a draft of this post weeks ago. Been severely lacking in mojo of late. Work on house back in May proved disruptive both to routine and head. And since typing that, many more weeks have passed… However, the last couple of weeks have seen a little activity. First off was a weekend in … Read more

15mm Macedonian Pikemen

I’ve always wanted a pike army to add to me broadly Punic era 15mm armies but I’ve never really been able to face the prospect of painting all those figures! So , on one of the Forged in Battle ancients Kickstarters a few years ago I bought a load of pikemen. And they sat there. … Read more