Even more Ratnik civilians…
Still avoiding the cavalry… Another batch of Ratniks done and the official Altefritzenburg executioner from Midlam Miniatures.
Musings of an easily distracted wargamer
My ImagiNation – The Burgraviate of Altefritzenburg
Still avoiding the cavalry… Another batch of Ratniks done and the official Altefritzenburg executioner from Midlam Miniatures.
I’m struggling (again) to summon enthusiasm for painting cavalry so the 6mm and 28mm I have on my workbench have been slid to one side while I paint something a bit more fun. I primed another batch of the excellent Ratnik 18th century civilians (based on Edmé Bouchardon ‘a The Criers of Paris) early last … Read more
Been a week or so of Slow but steady progress. Finished the character figures. So the group is slowly coming together. Still have a couple more I want to do. I’d finished off the unit of Altefritzenburgers and have also done a couple of bases of cavalry. Flags will be done in one batch when … Read more
Although I’ve got the 6mm on the table I realised two things. I was short a couple of command stands. And my defending Altefritzenburg force was rather outnumbered. I had a number of Baccus command figures that had come with my returned 6mm from Paul Bright so it seemed sensible to just base them up … Read more