On the workbench…

The painting mojo seems to be slowly returning. Another hour spent tonight (and last night). Some decent progress on gunners for the battalion guns for Ayton: With the guns prep’d to go as well and obviously some 15mm Old Glory pikemen I just had to make a start on! And I’ve finally broken out the … Read more

Workbench Feb 2016

I haven’t done a workbench post for a while. Mainly because the old mojo has been decidedly AWOL with assorted work and life things sapping the will. However, with a couple of hours free today and the big game in Ayton at the start of May looming large it seemed sensible to…. base some modern microarmour, … Read more


Well, I had great hopes for posting a painting update as my first 2016 update but it seems not. Life… I have however picked up a couple of things for planned projects and have a few more things lined up. First arrivals have been Besieged: The Epic Battle for Cholm from Leaping Horseman Books. I have several … Read more