Happy New Year! – Plans for 2016

Thought I’d best get this post in on the 1st or the moment will pass. First off, Happy New Year! Many thanks to all who’ve contributed to my enjoyment of the hobby over the year and helped make it a fun year and to get through the less fun bits. So what of the plans … Read more

The year in review…

And so another wargaming year draws to an end and we turn to the retrospective post bemoaning the lack of painting and gaming throughout the year soon to be followed by the ridiculously over optimistic post with plans for 2016! This time last year I was making the same plans: http://blog.belisarius.org.uk/2015/01/the-year-that-was-and-the-year-to-come.html. At some point in the year … Read more

Christmas 2015 Haul

I trust everyone has had a most excellent Christmas and that Santa deposited a suitable selection of toys under your tree. I did pretty well. My wife is usually given a list of my ‘wants’ and she usually does pretty well! I’m also involved in a Secret Santa but my toys from that are still … Read more