Finally some painting…

Well, after a four year lull I finally started painting again last night and tonight. I’ve had to buy some reading glasses from ASDA to make it possible (and will be getting a proper eye test soon via work!) as my eyesight has gone right down hill in the last few years… I’ve said earlier … Read more

What’s happening…

Well, all attempts to keep this updated for a while have failed. My ASL gaming time has dropped to zero as I devote time to finding a job. My regular opponent has called round twice for a game and both times we just ended up chatting and never actually getting the counters out! I’m away … Read more

Still alive and kicking

Haven’t had time to update the blog for a while but still playing. Currently working through the Operation Watchtower scenarios vs. Aaron Sibley. Lost the first 3 (AARs to follow when I get time) and then we played HS4 High Water Mark. What a dog. Aaron packed in half-way through as the Japanese. I’d managed … Read more

A Beginning…

And so I finally succumb to the whole blog thing. Well, second attempt really but seeing as the last only had one post it doesn’t really count. We’ll see if this one fares better… [EDIT – added a bit more personal info to save going to the profile] Been playing ASL on and off since … Read more