Retail therapy…

Having a generally shitty time at the moment so felt the need to cheer myself up with some bits and pieces. Some picked up from Salute, some ordered online, some picked up locally. So here we have it all… Starting from the top and running left to right we have: MDF RUB inserts from Commission … Read more

2018 review and the year ahead…

The last 6 weeks or so have been a bit hectic with the run up to Christmas and although I have finally managed to complete my Shiny project (blog post coming soon) I’ve only been posting the odd WIP pic on Facebook and Twitter and neglecting the blog a little. So this is my slightly … Read more

Let there be light!

My main desk lamp on the painting desk has been struggling for a while. I’ve had it years but the fitting inside the shade has snapped off, the whole lamp/shade part broke many years ago and has to be wrapped around the arm to hold in place, and the springs and levers are all broken … Read more

And the rules were Legion!

Many, and I MEAN many years ago I used to play wargames with my cousin Stuart and mate Mark using all our old Airfix figures. Needless to say there was a lot of Roman vs. Ancient Briton action! Somehow I had acquired a set of rules called Legion by Al Margolis published by Fantasy Games … Read more