Wargaming Neutral February 2011 Summary

Available Credits 29.50
Available Funds

The 1st of the month seemed to just pass me by so I forgot to do my little update. As you can see, the funds are rather diminished! Select the Wargaming Neutral link above for a full breakdown. Most of this is down to the York Show at the start of the month and the trip to Hobbycraft. I bought a fair amount at York but generally was quite restrained. The order to RSM made a small indent as well, and as ever I’ve needed more bases. It was nice to spend a little on materials for scenics as well. I should have enough now to do a good amount of roads and hedges. And I’ve still got a stack of 6mm buildings to do for Cold War Commander so no shortage of materials!

I really need to sell some stuff this month. I’ve got a small 1/300 Canadian force I may part with as I think I’m going to stick with Russians, Belgians and Brits. That MAY mean the US stuff goes as well. It’s really a matter of setting some limits here! I sorted through the West German stuff I have as well. The original plan was to eBay them but I have vague plans to just spray them green, wash, highlight and use them!

The main worry I have this month is getting the 28mm SYW stuff done for the WD3 game. I did a little more on the first twelve tonight but there is still a lot to do and the grenadiers and grenzers are still to arrive! Must just go steady and do a little at a time, each night. And maybe take a day off and have an eight hour session!

Anyway, there we are. I expect minimal spending in March, and a good increase in available credits. And some selling…

2 thoughts on “Wargaming Neutral February 2011 Summary”

  1. I know the feeling Andy! … I try and do an hour a night after work on my 6mm WWII figures and scenery. 'Try' being the word as some nights' just pass by without any result! Never mind, slowly does it but I'll get there!…. Just a few more months and I may get a game up and running! Good luck mate and keep up the good work!

  2. I know the feeling Andy! … I try and do an hour a night after work on my 6mm WWII figures and scenery. 'Try' being the word as some nights' just pass by without any result! Never mind, slowly does it but I'll get there!…. Just a few more months and I may get a game up and running! Good luck mate and keep up the good work!

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