Been watching a few things on the evil ‘bay recently and picked up a few books – because I just don’t have enough! First up

I’ve seen this book around for a while and was waiting to get it at a good price. So £4.99 with free shipping did it for me. I appreciate it probably duplicates a lot of info I already have but there is still some useful stuff on nations I’m not concentrating on at the moment. And in a similar vein and price was:

The next two were a couple of old Osprey books by Zaloga:

Although old books with some of the info outdated (especially the Soviet book) they do provide the usual nice pictures and ideas for painting. The guy selling these was based in Newcastle so had agreed to refund the postage if we arranged to meet and hand over the books. We finally met up and rather than faff with a refund he brought along a couple of books of interest.

Hidden War I had already had recommended as a follow up read to my current Afgantsy and had actually been looking for a copy in town earlier that day! Ambish Alley I’ve heard of but never read. I hope it doesn’t trigger a new project!
And finally, while in town that day I called at the book stall in Grainger Market and found a copy of:

Again, a recommended book on the Russians in Afghanistan and a bargain at £5. I hope I can eventually find his other books on the war at a similar price…
This does make me think I should maybe base up some Soviets on more arid bases!
The Blog with No Name
I’ve known Ian Willey for a couple of years and first met him at the Heroes ASL Tournament in Blackpool where he was a pleasure to play (and lose to!). It was only later that I discovered he was a figure gamer as well. His ASL blog is worth following as well (Wall Advantage) although I don’t seem to get time to play that any more. Recent health issues have allowed more time to be spent on his gaming (though I’m sure he’d rather be shot of the health issues!) and his blog is prolific, interesting and very active. He has run a number of giveaways at different stages in the blogs lifetime and having just hit 100 followers has a new competition running. So pop over, Follow, enter the giveaway and enjoy the blog. And read through the lots of good content there!
Thanks for the plug, it’s going really well due to the help I have been given by you and a few others.
How funny though, I have just posted about my selling some stuff on E-Bay which will fund some more purchases as well as put money back into the chest that I recently spent. Your Wargame Neautral idea has been a boon. I have not spent a single penny of my money in ages which is good seeing as work is a pipe dream at the moment LOL
Maybe a good time to send those Russian Building pics and asking prices before I go to Partizan and spend the lot LOL
You can never have too many books!
Pics of the buildings are on the For Sale page. I’d forgotten they were there! Open to negotiation on the price… 🙂