I have finally painted up some of the Splintered Light Miniatures 15mm Romano-British (bought in 2009 for a Dark Age project that never happened!) for us with the new Toofatlardies Dux Britanniarium. They are nicely detailed figures. Only slightly annoying is sticking the shields on. I did glue them on first to get that metal to metal bond rather than paint to paint, which seems to have made them pretty solid.
So anyway, this post is more a basing related one – as basing is such a traumatic process for me! 🙂
A good few people seem to be basing their 28mm on 2p pieces and using the Warbases sabots. The bases are also done for 1p pieces which I assumed were for 15mm? So after raiding the kids piggy banks (it’s been a tight month!) I laid out a few coins with the figures to see how they looked:

They just look too bifg to me. The figures too spaced out? The rules group figures into sixes (or eights) and if in neat ranks are in a shieldwall formation. To me this just doesn’t look right. I know it’s only a ‘representation’ but I feel they should at least look closer together? The only other things I had lying around were some 15mm tiddlywinks I use for my 6mm FUBAR:

Which I think looks much better:

For my FUBAR I added some steel paper to the bases to give a little ‘weight’ which helped for 6mm. I think it might need something more for 15mm. And I’m not sure ALL 15mm ranges will have bases that will fit.
Anyway, open to comments and thoughts…
I also like the tdly winks best, but if others are also doing this I would check with them as well. If it’s a solo effert no such problems.