It’s been a while since I’ve fully completed anything. Mojo has been on walkabout for a while but the New Year has seen a new plan (which I still need to detail!) which has at least got things moving.
So, first up, 6mm ImagiNation. Last year I got Ian Willey of the Blog With No Name fame to paint some Baccus 6mm as opponents for the 6mm versions of my ImagiNation forces. He did one unit for me back in September and I was rather pleased with the results so in trade for some 6mm buildings I got him to do another three units. Now these were finished and delivered months ago! It has taken me until now to paint the Adler mounted officers, the flags and then base them all. But, finally they are done! Here are all four units. The units are all French themed with grey coats and then turnbacks and leggings in a facing colour. The four so far are red, green, blue and orange. The first unit had reversed colours for the drummers. The other three have them in blue. I shall sort out a logic for that later!

I’ve stuck with the original plan of a unit command stand but have added a couple of extra figures to the new units. This does at least give me a starting force.
And although not part of my 666 Plan I also painted up a unit of T34-85s for my Syrians:

The models are all GHQ from a recent purchase from the States that had been stripped. I did a white undercoat, Russian Green base. Lightened Russian Green heavy dry brush, Pale Sand pattern, Sepia wash, Pale Sand highlight, then detail with a white gel pen. Tracks were just painted dark grey. Bases were painted Canadian Maple, then PVA and bird cage sand with a watered PVA to seal.
I almost have enough for another unit but three tanks have broken barrels so I may need to just buy a pack at York or try and beg round the forums for spare barrels/models.
Anyway, nice to be productive again!
I look forward to seeing you at York. Keep me in the loop if you pick up any spares/extras you want rid of.
Your stuff looks great.
Those T34’s stand very close inspection. Glad you got some stuff finished, always helps to keep the mojo in your pocket