I’ll assume the Union are attacking Southwards! Union start. Ward’s Division begins a slow crossing of the eastern ford.
While Berdan’s Division marches rapidly up the road and across the main ford.
Meanwhile the rebel division to the west pushes forward into the valley.
And the rest of the CSA struggle to cross the hills in their path.
Ward finally pushes foreward into the fields, still a little uncoordinated but the delays in the Confederate advance give them time.
Berdan advances rapidly but struggles to deploy his brigades as the rebels rapidly approach. The Corps artillery has been deployed on the high ground to cover the attack
And the two batteries take their toll on the advancing troops.
Berdan still struggles to deploy…
However, Bentley and Ward have now crossed into the fields and deployed to await the attack.
Berdan deploys just in time to face the first charge!
And against the odds throws back the rebel assault!
Meanwhile in the centre the rebel attack is taking time to develop so Bentley and Ward push forward to bring the battle to them.
Berdan manages to bring his third brigade in to support the line as more rebels line up to attack.
And Ward’s brigades destroy the first rebel brigade to attack, sending them reeling to the rear!
The flank is now clear to allow Ward to swing round as the rest of the Confederate division to engage Bentley’s green brigades
Four brigades are in action with the rebel experience surely to carry the day?
But no! The enthusiasm of the new troops throws back the rebel brigades is disarray! (Blame my daughter who was throwing the dice at this point!)
The victorious troops prepare to advance!
Meanwhile, on the other flank, Berdan’s division is now fully engaged!
But disruption and low ammo are taking their toll.
And the Union line, despite support from the batteries to their rear, is pushed back…
And the rebels prepare to go in again.
And with Bentley pursuing the enemy in the woods, Ward divides his division and sends a brigade to threaten the rebel attack on their right.
Berdan’s line begins to weaken as another brigade descends from the hills.
Will support arrive in time?
The final assault takes place as the rebels bring forward fresh brigades from their rear support.
And in the centre the green troops realise that the enemy they threw back are not defeated!
The end is near for Berdan. His left and central brigades flee the field (my daughter rolling 9s and 10s!)
And the breakthrough charge hitting the remaining badly weakened brigade that Berdan himself is trying to stiffen! But to no avail as that brigade too is thrown back with Berdan and many troops captured.
And the victorous rebels push across the stream to threaten the batteries to the rear.
At this point there was a bit of a lull as life got in the way again. The collapse of the Union right seemed to negate their victory on the left and left the potential for the victorious Rebel brigades to turn and descend on the rear of the forward troops. However, this would be under the fire of the Union guns. It really depended on the two Union brigades destroying the Rebel brigade on their left. So it seemed prudent to try a couple more turns.
Ward’s lead brigade descended on the rebel flank and the large green brigades attacked frontally. The rebel fire was ineffectual and in the ensuing combat the Confederates were swept from the field with heavy loss!
The left flank of the Union flank was victorious!
It was now the turn of the other Rebel brigades to take fire from the Union guns and they suffered badly with two brigades stopped in their tracks one fleeing the field.
The victorious Union troops now turned to face the disrupted Rebel line…
And the Union Corps commander managed to rally one of the routed brigades and bring them back up under cover of their guns.
And the final positions saw the disrupted Rebels facing relatively fresh troops and increased fire from the massed guns to their now rear. I decide at this point they would concede the field while they still had a chance to escape!So that was it. A game at last! I’m not sure I got everything right with Fire and Fury. I kept it simple in terms of troops types and lining up combats. The D10 range had some important effects, especially at the end for the Confederates who were unable to re-deploy to avoid the guns and face the coming threats. The Union on the other hand had the resounding victory on their left and were able re-deploy and rally when needed.
The Rebs who collapsed on the left were the newest troops in my ranks – previously belonging to Essex Boy! – and in the fine wargames tradition of new troops they ran well!
I think I may re-do the table and have at it again!
What have you done with my (ex) brave fellows? Shameful to blame them for the commander’s mishandling. Are you sure you didn’t cheat?
Always good to get your troops on the table, sounds and looks like you had fun