I continually agonise over basing. Partly because I get some sort of perverse pleasure out of it and partly because I HATE re-basing! And for some reason I can’t cope with a basing convention that doesn’t let me have my troops marching down a road!
As I’ve been dabbling in Fire and Fury again I’ve finally decide to re-base the Minifigs Union force I have. As mentioned in previous posts this was acquired many moons ago at the Edinburgh show and was based using the ‘standard’ 1″ Fire and Fury bases with mostly three figures to a base but also a good few with just two (I assume to eek out the figures for more units). The CSA troops have been based to match this and as I have NO intention of re-basing them. And the only Minifigs I have added to the force myself have been based the same and using my standard colours.
However, with the intention of trying Regimental Fire and Fury I had a little pang of indecision. The standard Fire and Fury bases ‘look’ right at the brigade level on the table. However, if representing individual regiments I think troops in two ranks look better. Although RF&F deploys bases two deep I wasn’t sure on the look of that. Some people just do two ranks and treat it as two bases under the rules. This also allows more flexibility for use with other rules. However, taking this route would mean re-basing the CSA to match and that would reduce the number of units I can represent. And the more I looked at battle reports of RF&F games the more I decided that the standard basing looked fine! So I’ve started the process…
As I’m keeping the army as all Minifigs 2nd Generation (as much as possible) there may be issues making up full units all in the same general poses. I have already sorted a trade for some Zouaves in kepi so can make the existing unit up to a size usable in RF&F. But until I pick some scenarios that use them I’ll need to wait and see if I have enough!
But I still hate re-basing!