War on the Horizon…

First off, Happy New Year All! It’s been good reading through the many reviews of 2016 and seeing what people have planned for 2017. I’d really hoped to do similar posts myself but the holidays proved more family oriented than expected and I just didn’t get chance to sit at the laptop and wax lyrical. Hopefully will do so in the next few days. Equally, I’d hoped to get in a game over the holidays but as I’m back at work tomorrow it’s looking a little unlikely…

However, I did manage to get a few sessions in the attic….yes, you guessed it! Rebasing!! Well, just basing to be honest…

Some history…in the future…

Couple of years ago I decide to do a future version of my Savage Swans as the military arm of Von Don Corp.

These just used a load of old SF I’d bought on a bring and buy. I did various other factions to go with them but them never really got going with actual games (don’t look so surprised!). Around the same time I bought a load of painted Dark Realm models from a chap on the FWC forums. I’ve trawled my emails but can’t find any to give the guy a credit! However, I never got round to basing these as I felt they needed infantry to go with them and I just never got round to it… 

Roll forward to this years Battleground show in November when I was chatting to Graham Cummings of Crann Tara Miniatures and he was selling a few unwanted items of various periods on his stall. He had a large pile of Dark Realm models. Four APCs and a pile of infantry – nicely painted – which I bought there and then and a large pile of unpainted that I acquired the following week. I’ve been reading a lot of good things about Horizon Wars so quite fancied giving these a run out. I have a load of 6mm SF already painted but the infantry are single based.So I decided to re-base Graham’s stuff and also the Dark Realm that had been sat waiting. And this is what I now have!

Four mobile infantry teams.

Mobile artillery support with Command and Control unit.

As Graham’s four APCs had a different colour scheme I decide to use these as Special Forces/Recon teams and used some of the more interesting types of the figures. 

There are a couple of decent air assets.

And the armoured assault teams. I’ll likely do a dropship/transport to bring the grunts to the field.

More MLRS support.

Hover scouts provide intel.

There were three other models with the DRM stuff that didn’t really fit in so these become the mobile Command and Control vehicles.

The Special Forces chaps advancing along the gully.

All in all, I’m quite pleased with these. I’m still undecided on rebasing my single stuff onto 40x20s. We shall see. There is still a LOT of unpainted stuff (Graham gave me a VERY good deal on this- thanks Graham!) so I may paint up the walkers for a pseudo alien force. And I need to spend some time stat’ing the models for use in Horizon Wars.

2016 Review and 2017 Plans to come over the next few days.

6 thoughts on “War on the Horizon…”

  1. happy New Year.
    Well done for getting them based. Really nice painting on these, and they look like interesting forces and vehicles.
    Which rules are you going to use?

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