With a large 15mm ACW game looming it made serious sense to focus on all the markers and terrain I will need. So clearly this week it made sense to paint some Norman crossbowmen for Ayton in May! 🙂 Figures are Perry Miniatures. Mounted on 25mm washers. These are the first 28s I’ve painted for a little while and I’m not 100% happy with the triads I used. Not helped by having run out of my usual Vallejo Buff paint! Anyway, twelve figures:
Next up I need to glue together some more of the plastic men at arms… I think I’ll do 12 all in chainmail just to speed them along!
And on another note… I’ve just traded some 1/300 aircraft for some painted 10mm Pendraken Sudan figures with Slugbalancer down in London. Figures arrived the other day. Nice simple and tidy paintjob:However, I really need a little more contrast for them to fit in with my style so I thought I’d try a GW Earthshade wash:
I’m not sure if it has darkened them too much? It’s definitely helped I think.
And as you can see from the 15mm chap in the middle, I have started on more Fire and Fury markers and will be trying yet another Union Blue!
Very nice cross bow chaps…..but what’s this? 10mm Sudan? I nearly fell off my chair! They do look good though.
Nice stuff Andy. I have finally returned to Ayton painting too, to try to avoid the last minute rush for once! Don’t neglect the ACW though, or there’ll be hell to pay. 🙂 Remember, when we see them for real you can’t fake how many figures you’ve painted, not like with those dodgy photos you posted on LAW..