Ayton 2017 – Day 2

And so we come to Day 2. The big  game! Western Crusaders and Eastern types assaulting a castle/village/church complex. Six players on our side versus four on the other, with a couple of guns mounted in the castle facing either way. Each player has 42 points to split into two retinues. However, each turn you could only activate one of them. On the first day the activation sequence with four players was controlled by cards. This time all one side went, but as said, only one of your retinues per turn. Unfortunately, Richie was unable to attend Day 2 so myself and Dave Hall took it turns controlling his force depending on how busy we were with our own.

I split my force into a small retinue (two yeoman, two bidowers and one lot of mounted) which along with all Richie’s force were facing Bob defending the village. My main retinue (sergeants, bows etc.) joined Dave in attacking Ken and then the castle. Despite the losses on Day 1 I still chose a couple of Boasts! I went for my arrows are deadlier than my spears, and issuing a challenge. As my leader had died the day before I got to roll for two new ones and got a Great Leader and a Lionheart! So I reckoned a duel would be in order…

Let battle commence!

All was quiet in the monastery. Little did they know what was to come…
My retinues arrayed for battle!
The enemy await.
First blood went to Richie as Bob had the first of many rotten rolls with his expert archers fleeing after their first casualty!
This was my fast moving retinue on the left. This was pretty well as far as it got all game!
More bowmen brought to plug the gap.
While nearby other bowmen opened up on the approaching troops in the open. And again, the dice were not good. Three times these expert bowmen fired without causing a single casualty!
Men at arms prepare to assault the wall. The second lot of bowmen had already been pushed back and now sergeants awaited the attack.
Meanwhile, to the right, mine and Dave’s Normans began to attack Ken’s French!
As my missile troops picked off casualties my tough guys rushed to the attack.
Dave pushed forward vigorously and caused many casualties. He then challenged the enemy leader and died for his trouble!
My heavy hitters about to charge and destroy Ken’s bowmen!
My missile troops continued to harass the enemy despite losing men to the cannon in the castle and my sergeants prepare to advance.
Meanwhile Richie’s troops continue to contest the the wall.
Now much reduced after many melees my men at arms prepare to fight again as their sergeants rush to support them.
Kens much reduced forces prepare to face fresh troops.
Having exhausted his first retinue Richie’s second retinue attacks as Bob brings up his remaining troops to hold the line.
My sergeants pile in and begin to wipe out the remaining units.
Finally the Brotherhood charge forward to deliver the coup de gras!
While mine and Dave’s remaining sergeants began to assault the castle walls.
And seeing Ken’s remaining Lord the Brotherhood charged forward and challenged him to combat. This was rather ineffective…. so they charged and drove them back…
The fight for the walls continues.
And the Brotherhood finally ride down Ken’s Lord!

And at that point Gary called it a day! Although we had not taken the castle we had killed enough of the enemy to force a surrender. And for once my dice had been good! I had wiped out at least five units, killed a Lord and achieved my two boasts! A great turnaround after the dire result of Day 1! But the dice had served me well and fortunately for me Bob suffered badly with his which gave me and Dave freedom to pile into Ken! All in all a good game. Great fun and nice to win!

Another post later/tomorrow with some more pics from the weekend and thoughts in the games.

There are more pictures in the Day 2 Gallery.

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