OK. Gaming weekend coming up in Framlingham. I didn’t think I’d be able to go. That changed. As with many of these events there was no need to paint anything as other people had the troops but you know how it is… 🙂 So the theme for the main game is 42mm Shiny Toy Soldiers. Something I had no intention of EVER doing! Here’s the first units…
Based on my ImagiNation of Altefritzenburg (which exists in several scales and periods already) here are the 1st Altefritzenburg Regiment and the 1st Jaeger Battalion.
Figures are from the Spencer Smith STS Range and are based around FPW variants, Nice figures. A little fiddly to fit together and I wish I’d picked a body with less equipment! Varnishing was a pain. I had a bottle of Humbrol Clear Gloss. This was THIN!!! I’d applied three coats and there will still parts of the figure that weren’t shiny enough… So on Tim W’s recommendation I bought a bottle of Humbrol Gloss Cote. MUCH better! One coat on top of all the Clear coats sorted the main unit and two coats on the Jaegers did them. Mounted on steel bases (from Precision Wargames Supplies) and with the Goat Major recommended Warboss Green for the base paint.
Only one more unit to do and two weeks to go. I WILL resist buying any more…for this game… Maybe just one or two units for any game next year…
Splendid stuff, Andy. Good to see that your famous will power is as strong as ever.
They look the shiny business !