Workbench update

And another little update…. Finished some more 6mm command stands and used up some strips to give me another unit. And I’m planning the 28mm unit of French cavalry. They have grey white coats and I see various options as to how grey that is. So did a quick test figure…. Need to get all … Read more

Workbench update

Trying to post a few of these little updates to keep the momentum going. I’ve primed the 28mm cavalry I have lined up but this evening managed to fit the flags to the last two Irish regiments for my 6mm C18th project… I’ve got enough for a small game now so all I need to … Read more

Workbench Update

I shall try and post some more regular workbench updates. Hopefully showing progress on various well planned projects but more likely just random shit I felt like painting… As per last post I’ve been adding to my 6mm SYW. These are the last of the painted red coated troops I got from Paul B and … Read more

You can’t beat a red coat…

Despite having painted a British Converged Grenadier battalion last year I’ve had a hankering to paint more redcoats for my ImagiNation forces. I have an England/Britannia ‘country’ in my C18th world so had plans to just paint some Minden Horse, RSM Line, and some Eagle Hanoverians. Enough for a tidy little contingent. So plenty of … Read more