Sorting the paints…

Despite numerous efforts to keep my work desk tidy it never seems to stay that way long. Part of the problem was having paints everywhere. The rack I have for my Vallejo, although neat and solid, is not the most accessible and I have way more bottles than holes! So having looked at various options … Read more

Limbering up on the workbench!

Work continues towards next week’s ACW game. I’m pretty well on top of things but as ever I keep finding other things to do. First off I realised I needed some more limbers for the Union forces. Luckily I had three Minifigs (3rd rather then 2nd Gen) sat waiting so have just finished off those. … Read more

On the workbench…

The painting mojo seems to be slowly returning. Another hour spent tonight (and last night). Some decent progress on gunners for the battalion guns for Ayton: With the guns prep’d to go as well and obviously some 15mm Old Glory pikemen I just had to make a start on! And I’ve finally broken out the … Read more