Over the last few weeks (months?) I’ve been slowly trying to build up my terrain for my modern (and soon to be WW2) micro armour games. I’ve yet to tackle buildings but have made up some roads, hedges, woods and pylons. Felt it was time to get a few pics up while I work on the rest of the woods and pylons.
The cloth is a Games Workshop Battlemat. The roads are from magnetic backed foam and details of the hedges can be found here. The woods are mostly from Timecast (bar the tall ones which are some German model railway make!) are just on brown felt which as a bit of flock PVA’d to it. The piece of MDF at the front is just meant to represent very low hills The pylons are from Najewitz Modellbau and made from a sort of very thin MDF laser cut. They are a little fiddly to make up and if you look close you will see that, but from normal table distance once painted they look good. I’ve got about another ten to make so lets see those bloody Apache helicopters negotiate my battlefields at low level!
Very nice to see those Kato (I think) pylons in use – or are they Greenmax?. I painted mine in Japanese style red and white stripes for 15m but had planned to use them in both 15mm and 6mm scale games. The overal result here is superb!
Pylons are Najewitz (see post text). Bit fiddly but look good on the table.
I'm busy now doing more trees!
Thanks for the comment