I trust everyone has had an excellent Christmas Day and a decent haul of toys to satisfy the ‘Oh Shiny’ syndrome for a few weeks (days)? We’ve just got back from the in-laws after a decent stuffing. Kids will no doubt resume their staring at screens for most of tomorrow.
My haul was pretty good. I usually give my wife a list of possibles and depending on time and finances she usually comes up with the goods. This year was pretty good:
The Wargamers’ Annual is always a nice read with lots of eye candy and nice ideas. The three Snook books are to feed my impending Colonial diversion and ‘Destructive and Formidable’ will be good reading for all C18th matters! The Bear Grylls has some interesting stories of survival and bravery and will be good for dipping into. And on the subject of dipping into, the Reyka vodka will be most pleasant. Brought some of this back from Reykjavik in March and really like it! I shall try and make this lot last ’til the new year! Oh…and some nice chocolate as well!
In the middle below the Grylls book is my Secret Santa gift, an excellent barrel cart from Westfalia Miniatures and some dice. The Westfalia kit is all excellent and I have a few more bits to make up some nice vignettes. Cheers to my Secret Santa! And many thanks again to Ian and Cath Willey for organising it all.
I’ve been reading a lot of my books on my tablet recently and often at night. Some current research seems to indicate this is not good for your sleep so I shall be returning to reading these proper books in bed!
Only Boxing Day to get through now and we can return to a semblance of normality before I have to dig deep into the coffers for my wife’s birthday on New Years’ Eve!
Great haul there
Glad you like your Secret Santa, mine was great as well