The 6mm rebasing project is finally making some decent progress. Not quite enough for a big game yet but maybe a smallish one… Although one of the main aims is to have troops for the SYW variant of DBN I’ve strayed from the official basing as I don’t want light troops and artillery on big bases. I’ll probably do a separate limber/wagon base (generic) that can be combined with the gun bases… or something…
Anyway, this is what we have so far!

Then a brigade from Altefritzenburg with detached grenadiers.

I’ve mostly rebased the ‘French’ type troops I have but still have enough for another brigade at least. Here are the first brigade and some grenadiers (one lot from the Swans).

There is also a small contingent from The Gateway Alliance in the form of the Boleyn Regiment. Musketeers (by Paul) and detached Grenadiers (by Essex Boy). Not sure where the flags came from but I may leave them for now.

Amongst the stuff I got back from Paul B were quite a few red coated figures that I think he planned to do as Wild Geese. As I’ve done a 28mm Wild Geese I thought I do them in 6mm as well. Still enough stands to do another 2 units once I paint the extra command.

And finally, some guns and what I think are British FIW Lights from Paul B.

Definitely getting there from what I started with and the move to 60mm bases was definitely the right choice.

There’s still a lot to rebase but most are now a more basic paint job and I’m looking at ways to tart them up a bit. Maybe some washes (AP or Ink) and a little highlighting… Will see
Flags have been fun to do albeit a little fiddly in 6mm! Important thing was replacing the flag poles with brass rod fixed into the base. Done in usual style but you can be a lot more impressionistic in 6mm and they still look OK!

Having a little pause from the 6mm now while I crack on with another unit of 28mm RSM.
Very impressive! I’ve enjoyed watching progress on Twitter but appreciate the additional detail here.
Looking really good, Andy.
Nice start to your latest project.
Ha, your 6mm look nicer painted than my 15mm!!! Show off!
Keep up the good work pal!