Savage Swans…

This is the first post as I start to prepare the units for the WD3 Imagi-Nation game next April. As a starting point I plan to do a unit loosely modeled on the AWI British Legion but under the command of Oberstleutnant Seamus Gunter von Donovan, an Irish type adventurer in service with a Germanic … Read more

A blast from the past!

Many moons ago when I first started wargaming (late 70’s) I began with 25mm Russian Napoleonics. As I started to attend Shrewsbury Wargames Club I obviously got interested in other periods. One that had a good run at the club was Medieval. At that time I wasn’t too up on the whole historical accuracy and … Read more

Yet another slight diversion!

Well, as a bit of an aside from the masses of 15mm AWI I’ve been doing of late I thought I’d have a crack at some 28mm stuff. There’s a game at the club tomorrow, 28mm WW2 skirmish using Richard’s solo rules, and seeing as I was taking part I thought it best to have … Read more