Seeing the wood for the trees…

Well, after discussions re all this in the Wargames Forum at WD3 I thought I’d have a go and see what happens. I’ve got a load of random shaped MDF bases that Tony at ERM did for me and I intend to use these as various terrain bases. So, having gone for a squarish shape … Read more

Yet another slight diversion!

Well, as a bit of an aside from the masses of 15mm AWI I’ve been doing of late I thought I’d have a crack at some 28mm stuff. There’s a game at the club tomorrow, 28mm WW2 skirmish using Richard’s solo rules, and seeing as I was taking part I thought it best to have … Read more

New appointments in the American Command

Finally managed to get the two extra brigade commanders I need for the Americans done. So here are the American staff. I had done the CinC figure in red facings but decided that buff was more apt so updated him. So…. Here’s the lot… The main man… The two new brigade commanders… and Light Horse … Read more

British Grenadier markers Part 3

Well, after a little break due to illness both for me and the kids I may actually get a game in next Saturday. Here are the rest of the markers I’ve made up for the game. Think I need to see them in use before I decide what to use for what.