A little more progress on things. Nearly finished the 12 RSM cavalry. One more good session should see them done and ready for basing. Still not 100% on the colour scheme but they ain’t getting changed now! The six Uhlans still await flocking but I’ve started the two extra figures I want to make two full squadrons of six plus the officer and bearer. I’ve also started the 18 infantry to add to those shown below. And a few of the ‘specials’…

These are the first three stands of the infantry along with their European officer.

And finally a shot of the Altefritzenburg artillery and a few natives to unsettle Goat Major!

Feeling a little better on progress now. If I can get the load shown done I’ll only have two batches of 12 left and a few ‘extras’ and I’ll be there. I’ve sent my list in to Henry so I’m committed and prevented from adding to it! More soon..